Gothia Cup

Get the chance to represent your nation at this summer’s Opening Ceremony

Now you can apply to represent your nation at the Opening Ceremony this summer and also win free participation for the tournament in 2025.

Gothia Cup’s Opening Ceremony at Ullevi Stadium is one of the highlights of the week with over 50 000 spectators in the stadium and live streaming to all corners of the world. Gothia Cup 2023 was officially opened in front of 51 073 happy persons in the stands. One important part of the ceremony is the parade of nations. For the parade we choose one team from each nation to represent their country. You can be the chosen one if you are lucky.

Motivate why your team should be selected to represent your country at this year's Opening Ceremony and write what you plan to do to highlight your specific country. It could be the way you dress, what you bring or whatever that makes the spectators remember your country in a very positive way. The club with the best costume and performance will win participation for up to 18 players in Gothia Cup next year.

Send your application on May 5th at latest to [email protected]. Please include the name of the country and club you represent, your age category and contact information to a person in your team in the e-mail.